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I have saved humanity with: Opening up our dimensional borders, legalizing communion with our patron deities, and acceleration of the heat-death of the universe.

hmmm thats a pretty unique strategy but it does check out, I cant prove it wouldnt work xDD

thanks for playing!!


Congrats! I'm happy that your contribution is one of the top entries! I am looking forward to seeing your future projects!

thank you! I'll definitely keep an eye on your future projects too! The Observer gave me tons of food for thoughts I hope I can make a project around this themes someday! 


Not at all surprised that you finished in the top 5 of the FxxK Capitalism 2024 Jam, well earned!


Thank you for your kind words, congrats on your ranking too! There's so many great contributions it's hard to have to rank them xD

A bit late but I feel obligated to dedicate this game to the memory of the Centre party


Truly great job! You nailed everything, from the way you use these mechanics to say something to the heavy music used.

I’m a little bit sad now that I realize the the world won’t be saved thanks to the amazing powers of food waste ads though.

dont worry we still need stuff like food waste ads to save the world :) in the "true end" path you still need a few technologies of your choice! 

thanks a lot for playing


Might be a bug, or I might be missing something. If you plan your investments right, (i.e. Refrigeration) you can break the game, to the point that the Win state doesn't trigger once the game reaches the year 2150, and goes on forever.

thanks a lot for playing and flagging this, it is indeed a bug, I'll investigate! Sorry you had to go through this. Congrats for finding this though it looks like it took quite a bit of skils to reach this point :)


the constant pop up of alert makes it hard to play

thank you for playing! it's actually a point I spent a lot of time wondering aboutand trying to fine tune it so that it's annoying at early game but can be quickly moved past. in total there should be around 15 alerts if you move the compassion slider every time, do you think it's too much? i've removed some so that it's around 10 now. thanks for the feedback


I was somehow able to beat impossible mode

thanks for playing! I guess some things only seem impossible until you try them ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

i can't even beat the easiest difficulty, is there something i'm doing wrong?

edit:nevermind just had to become socialist

xD that's the kind of edit i like to see :)  i'm happy you figured out the solution to the meta-puzzle XD sorry for the slow answer and thanks a lot for playing


I really liked the atmosphere of this game but I honestly dont liked the fact that there are coins

centrists do love their coins ^^ but there are only coins until the point where you get past them :)


oh I didnt know that. the reason why I don't love coins is because grinding for coins is addictive and I dont want to become addicted. thats why I joined this jam. but still good that they are not in your entire game.

believe it or not that's something i kept in mind! My approach was to set a hard limit of time on the game experience, every run is lost or won in less than 5 minutes to have hard stops that manage addiction to grind. I'd be surprised if anyone manages to spend more than 1h on this game there's just not that much in it. Though ofc if I discover that the counter measures arent working i'll work on new ones, we don't want the experience to be negative. In a way "coin addiciton is dangerous" is more or less the message of the game so your concern is definitely warranted! 


fantastic! keep it going like this!


I'm over an hour in and I still can't beat it. I am doing carpooling, family planning, and  universal education but I cannot get them upgraded to 75m in time before everything falls apart. :(

try to play in other difficulties, some will give you more actions:)


The pain I felt with the evolution of death's portrait from knowing the cause to it being just dots representing each person, jezz. Great job.

I hope you managed to save everyone in the end ^^' thanks for playing!


Hellz yeah climate change is awesome

thanks for your comment xD and don't forget that you too can profit from climate change by making the smartest investments!